Rock opera definition
Rock opera definition

rock opera definition rock opera definition

  • helium: MARZIPAN: I don't know if that's entirely healthy.
  • dullard: HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, cool, I guess you're going to go watch it now.oh, all right, man.later.
  • guitar: Oh, tap your toes and check your email, oh a-tap your toes tonight.
  • weird dream: The United States in tight, white-brand underdrawers.
  • check your email! Diggity Dear Strong Bad.
  • flag day: I bet you have a totally awesome flag for Strong Badia.
  • sugarbob: So sorry sweetie, tootsie-pie, sugarbob, funky bunch.
  • So I called in a professional to get the job done.
  • 12:00: I had the same problem, Dewey-Smith.
  • superhero name: STINY! GET ME A DANISH!!.
  • 3 wishes: Look at how great I would look man.
  • super powers: COACH Z: Oh, I definitely say it's just a result of tight pants.
  • little animal: Um, I don't really know.
  • sb_email 22: Whatever happened to "Cheers" or "Cheerio" or " Nevermind the Bullocks"?.
  • so this is another part where it's just me.
  • spring cleaning: Oh, what a good question! Let me think about how I should answer that-DELETED!.
  • tape-leg: Oh wait a minute, what's that on- OH, there's a little piece of tape on my shoe!.
  • stand-up: LITTLE STRONG BAD: Is it cardboard or is it pizza?.
  • studying: I mean, you've got the potential to get 1st, 2nd, and quite possibly even 3rd base.
  • "LAZOR", or "BIGG NIFE", or something like "TARANCHULA" or maybe like "LIMOZEEN".
  • the basics: You know, you bet somebody a hundred " bucks", and if they win, you give them like a hundred kicks in the butt and you call that a buck.
  • duck pond: But I do have a pretty sweet duck pond simulator for my computer.
  • i she be: A guy's gotta have some standards right?.
  • credit card: John, and some other people who aren't scam artists.
  • In memoriam of poor Trevor, let's go back and revisit a few of my favorite Trevor memories.
  • brianrietta: Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams, - Strong Bad.
  • halloweener: You dress up like me this year and the ladies will flock to you like the Poopsmith to an overflowing toilet.
  • I was just making him this card and gonna send him a hundred dollars.
  • making out: And then put on my hit single "You're Really Ugly (But There's Nobody Cute Around).".
  • homestar hair: I mean, how come you people never play my game, man?.
  • butt IQ: Okay, so until next time, on a scale from one to awesome, I'm super great.
  • homsar: Okay, so until next time, keep sending me your questions, and I will keep making fun of your punctuation and spelling.
  • some kinda robot: Do you use them for good, or for awesome? Would you like to join forces?.
  • rock opera definition

    Words from their context in the 125 Emails 1 Words from their context in the 125 Emails.

    Rock opera definition